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Witness Five of Jackson Hole’s Ski Resort’s Most Legendary Moments

To be blunt, Jackson Hole holds no shortage of opportunities to scare the sh*t out of yourself. The raw and rugged terrain draws a raw and rugged type of person to be humbled by the power of these mountains.

In the Spring of 2017 professional mountain bikers, Casey Brown and Cam McCaul put their bikes where no tracks had been laid before, and sent it into Jackson Hole’s famed Corbet's Couloir. One of those feats you had to see to believe, and it made for crowd roars at TGR’s annual film premieres across the country.

Casey Brown drops into the famed Corbets Coulior on her Mountain Bike

In 2013 the late great Erik Roner laid tracks where no skier ever had, in Cajun Couloir, just to the left of Corbet's Couloir. The little strip of snow and Jackson Hole permanent closure hadn’t been skied for a reason, because it ends in a “pretty little” 192-foot cliff.  Once the line had been studied and permits were approved, Roner naturally packed his parachute, skied the couloir, and sent the cliff, smoothly sailing into Tensleep Bowl for a never-before-done ski BASE.

Erik Roner puts tracks where no one had before

During the 2019 Kings and Queens of Corbets, an event designed to push limits, the Jackson Hole crowd witnessed a different type of skier send it into the famed couloir. A former snowboarder turned paralyzed sit skier, Trevor Kennison, with the help of Travis Rice and Cam Fitzpatrick to line up the air, absolutely sent and stomped his sit ski into the couloir to a roaring Jackson Hole crowd at the bottom of Tensleep Bowl.

Sit skier Trevor Kennison goes huge into Corbet's

If you ski around Jackson Hole, you may be shown ski lines and airs that are simply beyond belief to the everyday skier. Todd Ligare’s 100-foot front flip sent just outside the Jackson Hole boundaries for TGR’s 2012 annual snow film is one of those airs. Ligare's 100 foot frontflip makes the nearby and infamous Cave Cliff Air look small. And to the people who say, “he didn’t stomp it,” he rode away unscathed with both skis on and that's a success in our book. Cheers Todd!

Todd Ligare somewhere in the air floating a 100-foot frontflip.

In 1968, JHMR opened its aerial tram and Big Red started taking people up to the top of Rendezvous Mountain. The first iteration of the tram held 63 people and took nine minutes to reach the 10,450 ft. Without access by the tram, none of these legendary moments would have been possible. The tram became a gateway for adrenaline junkies to see what is possible in and outside the rugged playground that is Jackson Hole Mountain Resort.

The opening of the tram in 1968 made all of this possible

About The Author

stash member Teton Gravity Research

It all began with a dream and a little cash scraped together from fishing in Alaska... Since 1995, we've been an action sports media company committed to fueling progression through our ground-breaking films (37 and counting) and online content.
